• Brewcontec
  • Brewcontec

Kirchhellener Waldbräu, Bottrop, D

Start-up of second hand brewery with 10 hl 2-vessel copper brewhouse

Evergrain Brewing Company, Camp Hill PA, USA

Start-up of brewhouse extension with new mash kettle and new full automatic brewhouse control including wort cooling

Weitra Bräu, Bierwerkstatt, Weitra, Austria

Start-up of new fermentation and storage cellar with 5 x 153 cylindroconical open fermenter, 6 x 130 hl CCTs, 5 x 150 hl CCTs, yeast tank with automated yeast dosage

Brauscheune, Edermünde, Germany

Dismantling of 10 hl pub brewery and sale to another brewery

Boston Beer Company, Boston MA, USA

Start-up of full automatic operated 2.5 bbl pilot brewery with pre-masher, automatic hop dosing, HopBack

Hausbrauerei "Zum Schlüssel", Düsseldorf / Germany

Start-up of full automatic operated 42 hl brewhouse

Brouwerij Brouwersnös, Groenlo, The Netherlands

Start-up of full automatic operated 25 hl brewhouse with malt handling, acidification tank, hop aroma extraction in hot wort, effective dry hopping system for beer, CIP plants for hot and cold section, flash pasteurization system

Brewery Dackel, Muenster / Germany

Start-up of kieselguhr beer filter

KingCar Food Industrial Co., Taoyuan, Taiwan

Start-up of a full automatic controlled 5 hl pilot plant

Cerveceria Clandestina, Panama City, Panamá

Start-up of beer filtration and flash pasteurizing unit

FiftyFifty Brewing Company, Truckee, California / USA

Start-up of a full automatic controlled 30 bbl 3-vessel brewhouse with malt handling and CIP-plant

Brewery White Frontier, Martigny, Switzerland

Start-up of a full automatic controlled 30 hl 2-vessel brewhouse plus tank farm

Bayerisches Brauhaus Pforzheim, Germany 

Start-up of a new brewery with full automatic controlled 50 hl brewhouse with hopback and tank farm  

Fort Hill Brewery, Easthampton MA, USA

Start-up of yeast propagation system

Brewery Pivozavod BERK Akar, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Start-up of full automatic controlled 100 hl 3-vessel brewhouse

Fort Hill Brewery, Easthampton MA, USA

Consulting services in a brewery with full automatic 60 hl 4-vessel brewhouse

The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, Charlotte NC, USA

Start-up of a 60 bbl fully automatic controlled brewhouse

Vilser Bergbräu, Vils, Austria

Sale and start-up of DE beer filter

Neubulacher Brauhaus, Neubulach, Germany

Delivery and change of fermentation, storage and serving cellar

The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Consulting services and start-up of microbrewery

Brauhaus Biberland, Groß-Bieberau

Dismantling Pub Brewery Biberland, Groß-Bieberau

Vakka-Suomen Panimo, Uusikaupunki, Finland

Dismantling and new start-up of 10hl brewery,
Update to fully automatic operated brewhouse

Brauhaus Engel, Manfredonia, Italy

Start-up of microbrewery with full automatically 30 hl brewhouse

Company MIG, Dudinka / Sibirien, Russia

Installation and start-up of used 20 hl brewery

Trevi Brauhaus, Ulsan, South-Korea

Start-up and consulting of 5 hl pub brewery

Brasserie Beierhaascht, Bascharage, Luxemburg

Installation and start-up of 15 hl pub brewery

Cervejaria Mosteiro, Caxias do Sul, Brasil

15 hl brewhouse

Cervejaria Do Ingless, Silves, Portugal

Consulting of pub brewery

Cervejaria Tag, Viseu, Portugal

Start-up and operation of microbrewery with 15 hl brewhouse

Schwelmer Brauerei, Germany

Start-up of new fermentation room and CIP plant

Liebharts Privatbrauerei, Detmold, Germany

Start-up of microbrewery with 20 hl full automatically brewhouse

Brauhaus Cleefs, Kleve, Germany

Operation of 2,5 hl mini brewery

Privatbrauerei Zum Felsenkeller, Beerfelden, Germany

Consulting and operation of 10.000 hl/a brewery

Alte Brauerei, Wolfhagen, Germany

Installation of used 2,5 hl brewing system

Brauhaus Best of Pütt, Dortmund, Germany

Installation/operation of 15 hl pub brewery


Brauhaus Zeche Jacobi, Oberhausen, Germany

Installation/operation of pub brewery with 15 hl 3-vessel brewhouse

Brauhaus Hibernia, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Operation of pub brewery with 10 hl copper brewhouse

Brauhaus Graf Beust, Essen, Germany

Operation of pub brewery with 15 hl copper brewhouse

Brauhaus Schacht 4/8, Duisburg, Germany

Operation of pub brewery with historical 30 hl brewhouse